v101 – Data Migration (or “Avoiding all night progress bar parties”)

(This post is part of a series on "Virtualization 101" -- see the first post for an overall explanation of my approach in this series.) Quick! Who out there loves watching progress bars? I mean, who just thinks "man, what I want to do on a Friday night is watch a progress bar with semi-accurate … Continue reading v101 – Data Migration (or “Avoiding all night progress bar parties”)

v101 – Sayonara to Overnight Server Migrations

(This post is part of a series on "Virtualization 101" -- see the first post for an overall explanation of my approach in this series.) Have you ever suffered through a long hardware migration? Or been responsible for getting budget approval to approve overtime or comp time for those doing the work? (both being painful … Continue reading v101 – Sayonara to Overnight Server Migrations

v101, Virtualization for Business 101 (aka “I’m a manager…why should I care?”)

As an engineer, it's often tempting to focus on the "new cool stuff". And also as an engineer, the new cool items are often rather esoteric -- new capabilities or features that people outside of our field can't readily comprehend (simply as they don't do this stuff every day - quick, tell me how DRS … Continue reading v101, Virtualization for Business 101 (aka “I’m a manager…why should I care?”)